Thursday, February 23, 2017

getting ready.....

Classes in Livonia!!!
It's in the works!!!!
Watch here for pictures and more!!!

And how about that beautiful weather in Michigan???
I didn't even bring my winter coat!!!!  In February??!!!


it's Rodeo week here in Tucson.  We went a cowboy concert last night - reminded me of the Matt Wotroba concerts back home.  And the parade is this morning.  All the schools are closed today and tomorrow so everyone can attend the happenings!  Fun times!

how do they keep their shirts sooooo clean?

Tuesday, February 14, 2017


I'm a sucker for bunnies and any kind of stuffed creatures.  So......when I saw a pattern for this, I had to give it a try.  I've had the chenille for years (it was going to be part of a fabric book) and the felt, too.  Oh, and the pom-pom makers (in three sizes!).

He is just over 12" tall.  I embroidered his little face instead of using buttons - don't want buttons for little babies.  It wasn't difficult, well, turning him right side out took a little time.  The pattern called for a stretchier fabric but with patience and a chopstick, it all worked out.
I really like a project that I have everything that is needed to complete.  And I really like the way he turned out - soft and squishy.

and here is my first entry in my journal........
crayola water colors

added doodles but had some trouble
with the pens writing smoothly over some of
the paint colors.
does anyone else "collect" black pens?
this pile doesn't include any of my black felt markers
and that is probably what I should have used in the first place.

The idea came from Kristina Werner's blog last week.  

And check out this paper!  Heidi Swapp Magnolia Jane......

The photo does not begin to show the richness of the colors.  I am planning a card class with these.
And it is going to be an In-person class back in Michigan, I hope.  (that's a little hint....).
More details will follow next week - at least that is my plan.
Woriking on  this little book, too.  Trust me, it will be a little book!

Last call for February Sketch and Scraps card kits.  

More info is in an earlier post.

And thanks to everyone that has purchased this year's class. (you still can!).
Be back in a few days.........

Friday, February 10, 2017

sketches and scraps!

The February Sketches and Scraps Cards are ready to send.
$8 will get you 8 cards with directions and photos.
Hints and fun techniques, too.
Need some inspiration?  This might do it for you!!

Here's a peek!

Want something even more inspiring?
I have some card kits available for $8.50
included in the kit:
all paper cut to size
stamped images
you provide the adhesives!
email me if you are interested or leave a comment here.

thanks for stopping by!

Check back for some pictures of what I have been up to today.
And now, on to that art journal I made last week..........

Thursday, February 9, 2017


got a little off track with the art journal and worked on these for a day or two.......

February Sketches and Scraps 2017 will be available very soon! 
Need some winter inspiration?  These may do the trick!
A few kits will be available, too.

The journal is ready to go.  Right now it doesn't look like much.  chipboard covers, bristol pages put together with a version of the coptic stitch.  4 x 6 in size and 16 pages.  

As soon as the baby bunny stuffed animal is finished, I will be back to the journal.

We're having a heat wave here:  88 degrees is the expected HI today.  Yikes!!
Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

plan B

well, the journal cover didn't quite work so on to plan B, which is drying under some very heavy books.
And, I now have an empty journal cover, ready to fill when I need one.
Still moving forward.......