Living downtown a few blocks from the protests which were overtaken with the rioters.....
a few broken windows, sidewalk and building grafitti
curfew in effect all week
and the helicopters circling overhead, keeping watch over the university....
on a closer level, the beams arrived. you can learn a lot on the internet like how to lift them into place. each one weighs over 175lbs. and they have to go up about 15 feet so....pullys, cable and two come alongs (little jack-like very handy tools) did the trick.
next will be the roof support beams ( I forget their technical names).
And luckily, the dark clouds boiled over every day but it was too hot to rain.

and I found this when I thought I had a rock in my shoe....
nope, this tree thorn had penetrated the bottom and came up through the sole. No injuries but it was really difficult to pull out and I was about 5 blocks from home
And, the second little journal, this time using dec.paper as the base.....
and after adding tucks, and folds, ribbon and tags
little flaps here and there.....
Next up will be another fun fold card....
In a world of chaos...
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